The power of marketplaces for online retailers
What are marketplaces?
Have you ever thought about selling your products on an online marketplace? Marketplaces include Bol.com, Amazon, and Etsy, where you can offer your products as a web retailer. The great thing about these platforms is that they reach a large audience, and you have a greater reach than your webshop. But what about the control over your customer data?
Control over customer data
As a web retailer, you naturally want to keep control over your customer data. After all, that is the basis for your marketing activities. With some marketplaces, you hand over this control, but there are also platforms where you keep control yourself. So it is important to research which platform best suits your needs.
Bon is a unique marketplace. Your customer is your king, aiming to bring you new customers and strengthen the relationship between you as a store and your customers. This is reflected in the commissions; the more often a customer orders, the lower the commissions.
The Power of Marketplaces
Marketplaces have a huge reach and can help you increase your sales. In addition, they also take a lot of work off your hands. They take care of the technical side of the sale, such as payment and customer service. This gives you more time to focus on improving your products and growing your business.
As an online retailer, marketplaces are a powerful tool to expand your reach and increase your sales. However, it is important to research which platform best suits your needs so that you retain control over your customer data. So what are you waiting for? Dive into the world of marketplaces and discover the possibilities!